In recognition of the importance of maritime commerce and Seafarer Rights, this BC Shipping News article uses the occasion of the Day of the Seafarer to acknowledge the contribution that seafarers make to Canada’s international trade efforts. It also explores some of the important issues these same individual face while serving in the world’s merchant fleet.

The Day of the Seafarer is a celebration of seafarers around the world and those that either make their home in British Columbia or serve on the merchant fleets that visit our ports. June 25, 2013, marks the date for the third annual International Maritime Organizations (IMO) led initiative and the theme this year is “Faces of the Sea”. The IMO is asking people around the world to say “Thank you seafarers” on Facebook, via tweets, by posting a video on Youtube, discussing it on LinkedIn, or writing an inspirational blog.

How to Support Seafarer Rights in Canada

The Day of the Seafarer is not only an opportunity to raise awareness of the vital role that shipping and seafarers play, in the international trade that supports B.C.’s ports and Canada’s economy, but the occasion also affords us an opportunity to reflect more deeply on some of the issues occurring globally that Seafarer Rights. By giving a face to these matters, some BC Shipping News readers may feel inclined to financially support the efforts of local organizations such as the Mission to Seafarers and the Apostleship of the Sea. Others may feel inclined to take a more active interest in the scope of work in which the Chamber of Shipping of British Columbia or the Chamber of Maritime Commerce is involved with. The business community in our province is well served when both global and local seafaring issues are adequately supported and addressed.

The article is also posted on the website Safety4Sea where there are some other relevant posts.